Explore the e-mobility blog

Explore the world of electric vehicles, chargers and digital solutions that are driving the ecological revolution.

Charging becomes easier with rfid card

The introduction of the RFID card represents a revolution in the electric vehicle industry. It provides drivers with reliability and convenience in every journey, making the charging process simple and efficient.

Charging electric cars

Charging electric vehicles can be realized in many ways, some are less and some are more popular. Of course, depending on the location, the available infrastructure, the power available at the charger connection and your needs as a driver at that moment, it also depends on how you charge your electric vehicle.

Types of electric vehicles

When we say electric vehicles, everyone first comes to mind 100% electric vehicles that get all their energy from the electricity stored in the battery. However, there are several types of electric vehicles (electric motor vehicles).

Request an offer created especially for your business.

We are able to prepare packages that will be intended exclusively for the nature of your business. If you are interested, send us a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.